Ocean Rescue

Ocean Rescue is a rock opera written by Matt Hanley for Starring MH.

The album is divided into 4 sections centered around the relationship of Guy and Girl.

This webpage is to offer status updates on the making of the album, and appeal for help in getting the album completed and the opera started.

poster for Ocean Rescue album by Matt Hanley

Status Report

As of June 2023, 2 of its 24+ songs have been recorded:

  1. Roasting Sun
  2. Allison Told

Listen to Two Tracks

Allison Told and Roasting Sun are available on the major streaming services as of May 28, 2023.

Progress Stalled Pending Funding

To resume recording, MH / Sand Records must obtain funds.

Interested in helping with funding?

Email: mh@sandrecords.com

Proven Commitment to Quality

MH has been churning out high-quality recordings based on excellent songs, since 2018.

The team and process has been refined to assure kind listening experiences.

Check out other Starring MH tracks to glimpse the level of song craftsmanship and recording standards.

Similar to O.R. Themes/Vibes

© 2023 Matthew P. Hanley (BMI)